How multimedia journalism has shaped my view on the world of journalism
Lab 7
By: Sidney Rayba

Self portrait of multimedia journalism student, Sidney Rayba on Tuesday, November 16. Sidney used self-timer function to take an original photo and practice the photo skills she learned in JRN 4900.
Multimedia Journalism was something I had never initially considered as a class option, or a career option for that matter. When I fixate my mind on something, that is the only thing in my forward view. For me, that was social media management and social media management only. I've taken countless PR courses, communications courses and other journalism courses, never once did I consider combining my two first loves: social media and telling a good story.
Multimedia journalism opened my eyes to a brand new world; one consisting of photography, video, audio and data, all while building a story around such elements. While I have already had the privilege of learning how to write a captivating story and having a basic understanding of photography and data analysis, the skills I have learned in regards to video and audio production have brought on a new appreciation (and love) for new creative mediums.
Video: a love-hate relationship
Video was a new experience for me. Sure i've shot videos on my Iphone before, but it was a concept I never truly understood. I wanted to make visually pleasing videos, but the idea scared me. There seemed like there was so much about it I didn't know, and the process seemed unbearable. The skillsets learned in this class surrounding video (such as the 5-shot method, establishing shots, and skills for shooting in motion) were skills that took me awhile to grasp. I can now say that they are new additions to my media skillset. Due to the complexities of this matter, I did not participate in the video lab. However, I have been practicing with the knowledge i've gained and I can say my leisure video shooting has led to a fascination with vlogging (a new hobby I hope to take seriously soon.)
"Your new host.... Sidney Rayba!" (A podcasters dream).
Podcasting is a new found love of mine thanks to this class. I've toyed around with the idea in the past, however I never knew how to get started or shape a story in a way that was professional, yet fun. My favorite lab I've completed this semester was Lab 3, where I had the opportunity to experiment with a podcast and a platform such as
I found myself loving the solitude of speaking in a quiet space (careful to pass the DIN test!) about a topic that I cared about and found interest in. The best part of the entire process was the editing. Some might call this the most grueling aspect of it all, but clicking together the sound bites with the initial audio felt like a puzzle in my brain. It was easy to maneuver and made me feel like I was creating a piece of art.
I loved the process of podcasting so much, I decided to create my sixth lab around a new idea, instead of focusing on fast fashion (my semester topic), I decided to focus on E-commerce and its influence on the environment. I talked there for six whole minutes and I could have kept going!
Another thing about me, I love to talk. I love to express ideas in writing (as seen in my exceptionally long paragraphs). Being able to sit in front of a microphone and just talk..... that is truly the dream for me. It does not even matter if people listen.
Friends old, Friends new
An aspect I truly loved about this class was the opportunity to interact with multitudes of people. COVID has truly made it a challenge this past year to communicate in-person with others. This class has given me the opportunity to collaborate with different classmates and make new friends along the way.
I've also had the opportunity to conduct interviews with people I may have never come into contact with. Mrs. Brown, for example, Is a new found friend of mine. Hearing her passion for the environment and for the state of Michigan truly made my heart warm. She is someone I've still been able to communicate with after the lab has finished, and we go get coffee together sometimes just to catch up.
Semester assignment: Climate Change
Climate change was not a major focus for me, it was always something I kept in my peripheral view. With climate change being the focus for our class this semester, I found myself caring much deeper for climate change and what we can do to keep the earth clean and beautiful.
This semester, my group decided to focus in on Fast Fashion and its environmental impacts. Fast fashion is a new prominent aspect in our culture (especially for younger generations) and online shopping has become the main source of demand when it comes to product distribution.
I've learned so much this semester surrounding climate change and the affects we have on our environment, and I found myself looking up ways I could make a change in this world. That is something that I am so grateful for.
Incoming Students... Listen Up!
While this class is a fun and enjoyable opportunity to expand your horizons in journalism, you absolutely cannot slack off! Take your work seriously, keep the integrity of a true journalist and work to the best of. your abilities. the group project is a wonderful time, but make sure you contribute. You cannot rely on anyone to do it for you! Your labs are incredibly important, so take them seriously! (They'll be useful later on, it's like a side quest!) Finally, make sure you ask questions when you need to. Dr. Schneeweis is there to help you, and she will point you in the right direction. Have as much fun in this course as I did, I'm so excited for you to learn and expand your horizons.